Last Things Thursday


Last Song on the iPod:

Bruno Mars Locked out of Heaven


Last Workout:

It was supposed to be a 4 mile run last night butttt I decided against it. I was tired, my body was tired and in favor of a crazy circuit workout this morning at 6am, I said heck with it and decided to not run. I’ll be running Friday and Saturday instead!

Last Meal

Spaghetti and Meatballssss. I’ll never get sick of that for a meal, so glad there’s leftovers for lunch!

(Last) New Show I Love


Did I ever tell you how much I love Netflix? Well, I do. I have found so many awesome shows on there. My new one is Once Upon a Time, I’m loving it. It’s so clever, and lots of characters with crazy stories and twists. If you don’t know it’s about a town where all the characters are from Fairy Tales but living in modern times and they don’t KNOW they are a fairy tale character. It’s really interesting. Do watch 🙂

Last Snack

Lately I’ve been obsessed with Cinnamon Toast. I love it so much. I really have to stop myself from eating like 5 slices at a time. Life is hard.

Last picture on my iPhone:


My sweeties snuggled up in my bed. They don’t like to share with me. Rude.

  • What’s on your Last Things Thursday List? Any new shows…music?


Last Things Thursday

Another Last Things Thursday!


Last Song on my iPod

Apparently I stopped running to this! (Belieber!)


Last Workout

3 miles was on my training plan, so 3 miles it was! But a little bit different- meet my new running buddy!

20130109-205632.jpgRiley ran his first 3 miles with me and it went very well. I never took him far but he trotted right beside me the whole time (lucky 4 legs!) it only got a little out of control the one time he saw a squirrel… And my left arm was so fatigued! However, my pace was great!


Last Book (Started)

So a coworker of mine was talking about an interesting book and brought it in for me to borrow. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a TRUE story about a woman who died of cancer in the 1950s who had her cells harvested. Her cells never died. Those of you who have studied biology or are interested in it might have heard a lot about her cells, called HeLa. From her cells we now have many vaccines, such as the polio vaccine, influenza and many many more. It looks into ethics of scientific research and the family of Lacks. I’m looking forward to getting into. Very interesting to think that this woman’s cells are STILL around! (and have saved us all!) I’ll let you know how it goes, maybe some of you will like it too.


Last Manicure

Purple with sparklesssss 🙂


  • What are some of you last things this Thursday?

Here’s to a Healthy Training Cycle

Well hello, hello! Is it seriously Monday again? How do these things happen…jk, I’m ready to tackle the week I swear!

My post on Friday recapped my (almost) first week of NYC Half training. I told you guys about how I already switched up my plan according to how my body was feeling that week. As I stated, I’m pretty Type B, go with the flow, so it didn’t bother me that much to do something else and I was DOING something else. Bunches of you agreed with me, and while I know it’s true… like many of you too, I’m sure..sometimes you get that guilt that comes along with missing or changing your your “scheduled workout” ;especially when it’s leading up to a big event! While I’m pretty sure this is a natural feeling, sometimes it stays in the back of your mind.

As many of you also told me, we all have those days. Our bodies are trying to tell us something and we need to listen, despite a run or workout being scheduled. As my friend Kate told me those of us who stay strict and rigid with plans end up burnt out, injured, or in a bad mental state…and YEP, she’s right! As I reminded myself that I was trying to think of the things I can do to keep a very positive, healthy training cycle for my first half. So far I have:

  • Foam rolling, icing, stretching

Sometimes you have spectators while foam rolling. Cute furry ones

Foam rolling has been my go to before AND after my runs. Rolling out before make me feel much looser during my runs, especially in the calf department. Stretching my calves out will hopefully keep my Plantars facitis issues at bay! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about my foot, so I’ve been icing and using a golf ball to roll on the bottom- mostly my heels and arch.

  • Warming up

Now, I can’t say I’ve been 100% on this, but I’ve been making an effort to do some dynamic warm-up before runs, hopefully to get rid of any junk first miles for myself. This is conveniently done while waiting for the Garmin to find satellites, which can sometimes be a good bit of time…. I don’t do anything crazy, high knees, butt kicks, gate walks, mummy kicks (personal FAV)… I’m doing my best to work myself into a good pace and not going out too first starting

  • Letting go the idea of a “Perfect Plan”

I am completely in understanding with the fact that training might not happen according to plan and ITS FINE. It’s OKAY. In fact, if you skipped it according to how your body felt, it definitely a good thing. If I need rest, rest I shall. I took it easy on Thursday helped me to tackle a hillier than usual, 4 mile run on Saturday and still feel okay on Sunday.

  • Not only analyzing the run, but how I felt mentally and physically too

While I am loving my Garmin, I’ve been trying not to get obsessed with numbers. I am trying to understand and comprehend how much my mental status has an affect on my run as well. Out of everything, for me, mental issues are the hardest part of running! Writing about it has helped. More about the Believe I Am Journal later 🙂


  • How do you stay happy, and healthy through training?

Last Things Thursday

Hi everyone! It’s time for:


(I’ve been a little pic monkey obsessed!)

Last Song on the iPod


One of my favorites to run to!

Last Sweet Treat

Reese’s Cups of course. We still have bags leftover from the holidays. 2 go in my lunch bag everyday for work!

Last Workout


3 miles on the schedule for training so that’s what happened. It was freezing. Seconds thought about training for a half in the dead of winter… JK but seriously. My legs were stiff and frozen! Not my best but it is what it is 🙂

Last Meal Out


Drew and I went to Panera on NYE Day and we both got delish big kid grilled cheese and soup!


Last Thing I Did

Before I went to bed I got in the hot tub! I’m so thankful that my parents have this cause my legs were super sore!

  • What are some of your last things?

Last Things Thursday: Holiday Edition

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great Christmas! My Christmas was awesome and I got to spend a lot of time with family that I don’t get to see too often. We also got snowed in an extra day and that actually turned out to be great because we got extra time to relax and hang out.

This last things Thursday coming at you Holiday Style!

1. Last Workout

My dad and I were able to go to the YMCA since we belong to our one at home and they have a ‘Y away from Home’ program; meaning gym fo’ FREE! The day before, on Christmas, my dad and I went for a great run, in his super hilly hometown. Much hillier than I’m used to- but it was a really good run.

2. Last New Toy

Well if you follow me on Instagram you may know my new toy which I LOVE:


I got the Garmin Forerunner 10! This thing was awesome to take a run with. I like my Nike App but it could be spotty and also I don’t always want to listen to music on my runs. Mostly for safety reasons and the fact that lots of time I’m on back roads. (And maybe the time I was chased by 4 different dogs of different running routes…ugh).

3. Sweet Treats

Well not that this is even all of it. Most if my diet was sweet treats haha. Not complaining! These are just some of the cookies…


4. New running clothes. Run to Oiselle and order their clothes to get you through the rest of the winter and early spring running season! Seriously they are flattering and so functional. thumb holes! Pockets galore!

I got a stripey top..


And run delicious and clearly vest. The run delicious is so cute and has a nice pocket on the side. I also could totally get away with wearing this to work. The clearly vest is fun and has pockets galore. I can also wear it for running or the bike, WIN!


5. Book read

I just started to read Chrissie Wellingtons memoir which is really good to hear about her story to hear about her journey to Ironmans. The fact that she didn’t ever really intend to be one blows my mind. She accidentally ran a 3:00 London Marathon and realized she was good at endurance sports… Couple years later she was World Ironman Champion! She also had a very, very long struggle with an eating disorder which was interesting to hear about. I recommend it 🙂

6. The weather… Snowy!
