Last Things Thursday

Another installment of Last Things Thursday!

Last Workout done:

2.25 mile run (sorta miserably, I might add), a little Yoga from Jillian Michael’s video (didn’t do the whole thing cause I suck at staying focused. Namaste bitches.) , and a little 15 minute thing from Nike Training Club.

Last Snack:

Cookie dough FroYo mmhmm!

Last Song on the iPod:

Demi Lovato- give your heart a break. (Don’t judge me.)

Last picture on phone:

A picture of ME going out for a run in my NEW shoes…the ones that I won from Lora’s Blog! They are AWESOME! Saucony Triumph 9- I really like this neutral shoe. They’re a little lighter than ones I’ve been running in and I can tell a difference. They are an 8mm drop, less than I’m used to, so I’m hoping they don’t bother my feet, but so good!

Pretty snazzy, eh?

Last BIG purchase:

This is a present to myself…a Lululemon cycling outfit…well it was on sale…haha and Sale by lulu’s standards isn’t exactly the same BUT it is the most amazing cycling clothing I’ve ever had on in my life! Cycling clothing is pretty expensive to begin with and I wanted a good quality outfit now that I spend a longer time out on the bike. Before I’ve pretty much bought the cheapest shorts I can buy and then wear a tank top or shirt. Now I’m LEGIT! And look how dang cute these purple shorts are.

Last Book I read:

Matched by Ally Condie! A good read..pretty quick, but found it was pretty enjoyable. It’s got a kind of futuristic United States kinda thing like The Hunger Games. Good beach read.

Last Meal:

I made chicken with this brown rice and quinoa mix…first time having it and the stuff was delicious. If you can find it near you i suggest it. quite delicious.

  • What are some of your last things this Thursday?

Some Blog Awards!

Okay so the past few weeks some Blog awards have been circulating around many of the blogs I read. Seriously, I’m VERY late with these. Sorry about that! I was nominated a couple times (some different awards) and was semi-busy and didn’t get around to posting about these awards…well my lazy butt finally did! I’d like to thank those who nominated me who are, Megan at Run Like a Grl, Alex at The Run Within (different award, but I’m putting it in here anyways), LinnyAnn at Never Say Never and Katie at KEPT You Fit! Thank you lovely ladies! I appreciate it. I read all of their blogs daily and you should too!

Here are the Rules of the Award: Link

  • back to the blogger who nominated you.
  • Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate some other blogs you like for this award.
  • Post a comment on each of your nominees’ blogs telling them about the nomination.

My Random Facts: (We are about to get super close)

1. I should have a job quoting movies! Seriously, all my friends say “How can you possibly remember that!?” for some reason, my brain remembers useless information, and not things I probably should…(hello math). Anchorman, Hangover, Stepbrothers are some of my favorites to quote that probably pop up in daily life for me.

2. My favorite flowers on Gerbera Daisies

3. I loveeeeeeeeeee Cheese! and that’s probably an understatement!

4. I was in choir in high school and did the musical every year! I loved participating in it, (never a star) but it was always so much fun. My last year we did Beauty & the Beast and it was soooooo awesome! I even got to play the Gaston following dumb girl and the Salt Shaker (think the fight scene in the end..haha!)

5. Something I would always love to do is be a fashion designer. However, I don’t have much of a fashion sense, but I wish I did! and Athletic clothes designer- that would be the ultimate!!!

See!? I could also model!

6. Honestly…I don’t like vegetables that much. GASP! I know that’s like a sin in the healthy blogging world..I just don’t like the way most of them taste. Texture is also a big problem for me. I try to eat the ones I do like so that I get the nutrients. (Carrots, Spinach, edamame are ones i can stand).

7. I remembered how much I love to write when I started this blog. I remember in middle school in high school how I had loved to write. By the time I got through college and had wrote a million papers on stuff I didn’t have interest in I kept thinking I hated writing. Funny how you remember you loved something when it’s actually about something that interests you!

That’s it, my random facts! I hope you and I got better acquainted now!

Here are some of the blogs I love and follow every day!

So now your turn! Tell me a random fact! You know all about me, so let me know about you!

Almost Friday! Until tomorrow friends 🙂