Here’s to a Healthy Training Cycle

Well hello, hello! Is it seriously Monday again? How do these things happen…jk, I’m ready to tackle the week I swear!

My post on Friday recapped my (almost) first week of NYC Half training. I told you guys about how I already switched up my plan according to how my body was feeling that week. As I stated, I’m pretty Type B, go with the flow, so it didn’t bother me that much to do something else and I was DOING something else. Bunches of you agreed with me, and while I know it’s true… like many of you too, I’m sure..sometimes you get that guilt that comes along with missing or changing your your “scheduled workout” ;especially when it’s leading up to a big event! While I’m pretty sure this is a natural feeling, sometimes it stays in the back of your mind.

As many of you also told me, we all have those days. Our bodies are trying to tell us something and we need to listen, despite a run or workout being scheduled. As my friend Kate told me those of us who stay strict and rigid with plans end up burnt out, injured, or in a bad mental state…and YEP, she’s right! As I reminded myself that I was trying to think of the things I can do to keep a very positive, healthy training cycle for my first half. So far I have:

  • Foam rolling, icing, stretching

Sometimes you have spectators while foam rolling. Cute furry ones

Foam rolling has been my go to before AND after my runs. Rolling out before make me feel much looser during my runs, especially in the calf department. Stretching my calves out will hopefully keep my Plantars facitis issues at bay! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about my foot, so I’ve been icing and using a golf ball to roll on the bottom- mostly my heels and arch.

  • Warming up

Now, I can’t say I’ve been 100% on this, but I’ve been making an effort to do some dynamic warm-up before runs, hopefully to get rid of any junk first miles for myself. This is conveniently done while waiting for the Garmin to find satellites, which can sometimes be a good bit of time…. I don’t do anything crazy, high knees, butt kicks, gate walks, mummy kicks (personal FAV)… I’m doing my best to work myself into a good pace and not going out too first starting

  • Letting go the idea of a “Perfect Plan”

I am completely in understanding with the fact that training might not happen according to plan and ITS FINE. It’s OKAY. In fact, if you skipped it according to how your body felt, it definitely a good thing. If I need rest, rest I shall. I took it easy on Thursday helped me to tackle a hillier than usual, 4 mile run on Saturday and still feel okay on Sunday.

  • Not only analyzing the run, but how I felt mentally and physically too

While I am loving my Garmin, I’ve been trying not to get obsessed with numbers. I am trying to understand and comprehend how much my mental status has an affect on my run as well. Out of everything, for me, mental issues are the hardest part of running! Writing about it has helped. More about the Believe I Am Journal later πŸ™‚


  • How do you stay happy, and healthy through training?

14 thoughts on “Here’s to a Healthy Training Cycle

  1. What I do is upload all my Garmin info on Sunday – that way I can’t beat myself up mid week if I really needed a break and my mileage isn’t adding up.

    Foam rolling = miracle for runners.

  2. Letting go of the perfect plan is key. Life happens and it has to be OK to make changes. Once I embraced flexibility (with the plans, I’m just about the least physically person around!) my training improved so much! Good luck!

  3. Such a good idea to do some warm-up while the Garmin is finding satellites! I swear it took 30 minutes for my silly little Garmin to locate them yesterday πŸ˜‰ I also agree with not concentrating too much on the pace/numbers. I’ve found that my favorites training runs are always the ones where I am present in the run and running a pace that FEELS good. Great training plan!

  4. Love that quotation from Chrissie Wellington. She’s such a boss (even though she retired). πŸ˜‰ I thrive off structure and plans, so in order to not get burned out (and still have fun!), I make sure to schedule one or two rest days each week; even if I don’t feel like I need one, I know it’s a good thing to do from a mental standpoint.

  5. EEEE I love everything about this!! You’re basically doing everything right – foam rolling lightly before does actually trigger your muscles to fire – just don’t go too deep, save that for after (I also have that same foam roller btw and furry friends that like to oversee the foamroll sessions lol)! Let me know if you want some foot/ankle/calf exercises of the physical therapy variety that will help keep the PF at bay – I had PF issues when I was a ballerina, fun times. You are TOTALLY on the right track with this, and the “perfect” training plan is, after all, the one that gets you to the starting line of your race healthy and fit – usually that plan is different for everyone πŸ˜€ Go get em!!

  6. I warm up a lot more now (usually a 1-2 mile light jog) before my runs. And I also force myself to keep a gentle pace and focus on “time on feet” when on my long runs. I load up the water bottle with some Emergen-C for some electrolytes on those long runs too. Helps keep me feeling good.

  7. These are such great and veryyyy beneficial techniques girl!! You are going to do awesome w/ your training & race day.

  8. I am so bad at doing the whole warming up, starting slow, stretching and cooling down thing. It’s not good. You’ve inspired me to be better at it.

  9. Love this!! Wish I knew about foam rolling when I did my NYC Half training haha. Sounds like your mindset is right there to go and rock this race. Love that you are so flexible, its really necessary and will only help in the long run!

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